Monday, April 22, 2013

A food pyramid based on your HEALTH, imagine that?!

How and what SHOULD you eat?

1.  First make sure that your food isn't toxic: genetically modified, processed, grown with poisonous pesticides and insecticides.
In other words, make sure your food is actually FOOD!  Grow it yourself, buy it locally from an organic farmer or organic meat producer.  
Ok, good job.  Now you've got yourself a fridge and pantry full of Food that is in its natural state... the way your body is designed to digest it.  The way God made it.... and I am pretty sure he knew what he was doing!  But just because that beef is from a local grass fed cow doesn't mean that you can scarf a pound of it down and pat yourself on the back.  Just because that avacado is grown locally from an organic farm doesn't mean you can make a giant bowl of guacamole for your lunch and expect to be healthy.  

2.  Now that you have real, non toxic food, you

have to pay attention to the food pyramid. But I am not talking about the food pyramid that the government has put out.

(this is what I look like when I think about the government's food pyramid... except I'm a girl and I would never wear that shirt)
Ya know, the heavily influenced government that caters to all the giant corporation's interests, instead of your health.  Lets go absolutely insane and pretend like "health" is the number one priority when a food pyramid is created!  Crazy Right?!  Ok, well if health was the priority, then the food pyramid would look something like this:
This is the best food pyramid I could find and it is pretty dang accurate.  There are variations of it out there and some might argue small changes with it.  But overall, this is it folks!  This is what our bodies are designed to thrive on.  

Notice that half of your veggies (and fruits I will add) should be Raw.  This means that they should be eaten in their natural state and cannot be heated over 108 degrees Fahrenheit.  Once they have been heated to that point, their nutrition is greatly decreased.  So they're not as healthy.... and if you think about it, you kinda just wasted half of the money you spent on the food.  Now you have to buy double the amount to get the same nutrition you could have gotten had you just eaten it raw.  In many cases, you lose 50% or more of the nutrition once it's cooked.  If you are going to cook the veggies or fruit, opt for steaming or grilling instead of boiling.  When you boil your food, most of the nutrients are lost to the water.... so unless you plan on drinking the water that you boiled that broccoli in, just stick with steaming.

You might be wondering how you'll get protein and calcium if you are rarely eating meat and dairy.  Well it may suprise you that vegetables contain TONS of protein and calcium without all the unhealthy counterparts of animal products.   

Throw some 3.  Good old fashioned excercising and stress management in there and you've got yourself a recipe for freakin awesome health!



Unknown said...

This is my favorite post :) Thanks

Bethany said...

I really like this food pyramid. I have never looked at any other than the gov't ones. I especially love the veggies. How do you get your kids to eat them, or do you already have a post on that that I skipped?