Monday, February 25, 2013

Corruption in the FDA... part 2!

Monsanto (GMO giant) and the FDA seem to have a revolving door between them.  Like Seriously!

Meet Tom Vilsack.  
He is the former governer of Iowa.  He is a big supporter of GMO and biotechnology.  Iowa used to have "GMO free" zones, where GM crops were not allowed... but he got rid of them.  He is known for flying around in Monsanto's private jets and supporting GMO dairy cows.  Oddly enough, he was appointed the US Secretary of Agriculture.  

Meet Michael Taylor.
He began his career as a lawyer for the FDA.  When he left the FDA, he worked as a lawyer for Monsanto.  Then in 1991 he went back to the FDA as the deputy commissioner for policy.  He was in this position when the FDA approved Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) which shows up in our milk.  In 1994 he moved to the USDA as its head of Food Safety and Inspection Service.  THEN, he becomes Monsanto's vice president and chief lobbyist.  And now... guess what Obama has appointed him as... our US food safety czar.  

So, let me ask you an unbiased question :-)  Do you feel confident that your health is this mans top priority, as it should be?  If you do, I'm sure you're right.  Ya know, I'm sure that he is going to acknowledge the proven science of dangerous GMO's and take Monsanto down for lying about them.
(I hope you heard the sarcasm in my typing!)

Just for fun... here are a few more names in our government agencies that also have interest, or are working with Monsanto.

Jerry Crawford  >  Tom Vilsack fundraiser  >  Chief Monsanto lobbyist
Monsanto  >  Clarence Thomas  >  US Supreme Court
Monsanto  >  Margaret Miller  >   FDA
Calgene(owned by Monsanto)  >  Anne Veneman  >  Secretary of Agriculture
Searle(owned by Monsanto)  >  Donald Rumsfeld  >  Secrety of Defense
Monsanto $  >  Tommy Thompson  >  Secretary of Health
Biotech lobby  >  Dr. Tara O’toole  >  Homeland Security
Monsanto $  >  John Ashcroft  >  United States Senate

This is scary stuff ya'll!

And Jeffrey Smith's documentary "Genetic Roulette"


April said...

I'm super excited about your new blog. :) Thanks for the info!

Ashlie Grow said...

Thanks! I'm so glad you're reading it! :-)