Monday, September 16, 2013

Chipotle turns it's back on GMOs!

Chipotle broke free from it's parent company McDonalds and is vowing to take all genetically engineered ingredients out of it's menu.  This is their new ad and it is pretty dang awesome!  They did a great job of accurately depicting the disgusting foods our food industry is stocking our grocery stores with.  Its worth a quick watch!
Way to go Chipotle!!  

The more we, as consumers, demand quality food by what we buy and do not buy... the more the food industry will have no choice but to move in that direction.

You can read their "Ingredients Statement" here

Monday, May 13, 2013

Taking a break... cue the sad violin

So you may have noticed my posts are becoming more and more spaced out.  Ideally, I would love to be doing a few a week, but that aint happening.  I'm studying to become a personal trainer right now, with emphasis on pre and post natal fitness.  Because of this I haven't had the kind of time I would like to thoroughly research things before I post about them.... hence hardly any posts.  So for now I am officially taking a break from my food blog.  

I know, I know... I'm so sorry!

Stop crying.... it will be ok!  I will be done with my certification in 3 months and I will be really excited to start posting again and sharing EVERYTHING that I think EVERYONE needs to know about our food industry!  

I really am so intrigued as I learn more and more about our miraculous bodies, and even more intrigued as I learn about what we need to fuel our bodies.  It is so awesome to share the information that I learn, and even more awesome when someone tells me they read my blog and made positive changes for themselves and their families!  I love it!  
So I will be letting ya'll know when I start posting again!!
Till then don't eat any GMOs or really crappy processed foods.  Seriously.   Don't do it.

This lady probably eats hella GMO's and processed foods.  Just sayin.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A quick follow up to yesterday's post

So I think my post yesterday might have come across a little more like this.....

rather than informative and motivational.  So I just wanted to clarify what I was trying to convey to ya'll.

Personally, I don't think we need to stress too much about EMFs and our beauty products.  While they do pose a very real  threat to our health... I think that threat is small in comparison with the threat of engineered food we are eating on a daily basis.  Our bodies are absolutely incredible and are capable of dealing with all kinds of outside factors.  There is a limit though of how much it can deal with, and it can only deal with things if it is in good health.  The biggest health problem we are facing is due to the nutritionally void, toxic food we have been eating for decades.  If we can change what we eat, and how we eat, then our bodies will have the capacity to handle outside factors such as EMFs and beauty product chemicals.  

Eventually I would love to switch my make up, shampoo and conditioner, lotion, etc to products that are more natural and beneficial.  And who knows, maybe someday I will make changes to lessen my exposure to EMFs.  But today I am still working on feeding my family a balanced diet of real foods.

My point yesterday was not to overwhelm you or cause you to be stressed about all the different things that affect our health negetively.  My point was to simply make you aware that we are bombarded with unnatural outside factors.  And the biggest change we can make towards really awesome health is by what we eat.  

So go grab an apple to snack on... and its ok if your cell phone is sitting next to you while you eat it!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Isn't saying "Hey!  That box of cereal is toxic!" a little extreme?  
Here is my perspective.

Just a couple things to note before reading this:

1.  What we put on our skin DOES affect our health and what goes on inside.  For example, women can stick a patch on their body and virtually become infertile for 30 days because of the chemicals on the patch.

2.  Our laptops, cell phones, microwaves, power lines, etc DO affect our health and what goes on inside.  EMF's are areas of energy that surround electronic devices.  According to WHO, electromagnetic fields affect us because our human bodies have their own electric and biochemical responses (e.g., nervous system, digestion, brain function, heart function). So exposure to EMFs can interfere with these systems.
3.  And of course (if you've ever read a post on this blog then you know) pesticides, insecticides, genetically modified organisms, and over processing of our food affects our health and what goes on inside.

Here is a little hypothetical story that I bet all of us can relate to:
You slept all night with your cell phone on the night stand charging.  The EMF's whirling around you for hours and hours.  You wake up, get a drink of water with sub lethal doses of flouride and many other toxins.  Then you take a shower in that same water.  You grab the loofah and slather your body with a sudsy mixture of around 30 or 40 chemicals.  Many of those chemicals are toxic.  Then you slather your scalp with 30 or 40 more chemicals, many of which are toxic.  You get out feeling all clean and grab a towel.  After putting on some lotion consisting of 20 or 30 chemicals, you get dressed.  You go to the kitchen for breakfast.  You want to be a little healthier today so you pour yourself a bowl of some Kellogg's Special K  cereal with skim milk.  You've now just consumed sub lethal doses of Genetcially Modified ingredients, and other processed ingredients that while are low in fat and sugar,  are foreign to your body and disrupt many different processes and cause adverse effects.  You've also just ingested milk riddled with growth hormones, insecticides, and calcium that is unusable to the body since the necessary enzymes to digest it were killed off when it was pasteurized.  The pasteurization process has also transformed fragile milk proteins that can actually worsen your health.  Ok, you're showered, dressed, and fed.  Good job.  Now you run to the bathroom to blow dry your hair.  You blast yourself with EMF's for about 5 minutes.  Then apply about 40 more chemicals to your face as you try to achieve that healthy glow with your makeup.  You quickly brush your teeth with toxic water and toxic fluoride toothpaste containing more toxic chemicals.
You grab your purse and keys, jump in your car, and take off to work.  Your cell phone is in your lap so you can glance at it while you're at red lights.  The EMF's are swirling around all of your reporductive organs.  You turn your favorite song up on the radio... the radio that is emitting more EMFs.  It is a beautiful day so your window is down and you are sucking in the pollution and chemicals and gases from the hundreds of cars in front of you.  You arrive at work.  Right before you enter you spray a little bit of perfume on, around 70 chemicals.... many of which are toxic.

Ok so just a quick recap...  It is 8:00 a.m.  You took a shower, made yourself look clean and presentable, fed yourself a "sensible" breakfast, took a nice drive in the car while enjoying the nice weather, and spritzed yourself with some flowery scented spray before walking into work.  You've only been awake for an hour and a half and already your body is literally bombarded with unnatural toxins!

It is true that you are not going to drop dead as you walk into work because you sprayed some perfume on your neck.  And no one expects you to stop using your electronics and stop wearing make up, BUT.... The world we live in today, and the lifestyle that we are all accustomed to is constantly bombarding us with these sub lethal doses of toxins.  We breathe them, we eat them, we drink them, we bathe in them, we slather them all over our bodies, we medicate ourselves with them.  We are led to believe that because the amount of toxins in EVERYTHING is so small that it is safe for us.  Well, that would be true if we were exposed to that small amount once or twice in our life.  But realistically we are exposed to these tiny amounts of toxins thousands (yes, thousands!) of times a DAY.

We are going to be exposed to toxins no matter what we do.  The world we have created is saturated with them.  But you can minimize your exposure and your family's exposure dramitcally if you change the things that are in your control.  By changing what you eat, which is the biggest exposure to toxins we as a society are facing, you can allow your body to heal itself.  And then, when you do come in contact with harmful toxins your body will be able to deal with them.

So when I say "That box of Kelloggs Special K is toxic!" I don't think it is extreme at all.  It IS toxic.  And I'm not going to let a company that stands to make money off of me purchasing their product tell me, "Oh, it's ok, it's just a teeny tiny bit toxic and it won't affect you."

I know the truth!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pineapple has joined the GMO club

Del Monte, one of the biggest distributors of pineapples in the world has been developing a Genetically Modified pineapple that they call Rosé.  The USDA has just approved this GM version of pineapple for eventual sales in the U.S.  It is being grown right now in Costa Rica and is still going through "testing."  The FDA has to give its go ahead as well and then it will have a big fat green light to be imported straight to your dinner table.  

Del Monte's request for approval describes the GMO Rosé variety as having "rose-colored flesh", which the company says comes from the addition of genes from "edible plant species, pineapple and tangerine" genetically modified to change the color of the pineapple.

Just a quick reminder for anyone who missed this post.... Genetically Modified food is UNSTABLE!  There have been studies done that prove that the intended DNA sequence for these crops mutate and change.  And the mutations and changes are unpredictable.  So not too far into the future you could have 20 pineapples in front of you at the grocery store that are all genetically different.  And once you ingest that Genetically Modified crop with the UNNATURAL gene inserted into it, there is a chance that it could alter your DNA as well.  Studies are being done to see if in fact the unstable inserted gene can mutate our own human DNA.... it is not proven yet but I'm not going to be a guinea pig and take the risk.  GMOs are really really bad!  
Companies are eager to produce Genetically Modified crops though because they can patent them and then have exclusive profit rights to that product.  
No one can patent a pineapple... unless you are God.  But insert a "favorable" gene into it that is from another species and all of a sudden you have something that no one else can plant and/or sell without paying you for it.  So the creators and suppliers of the Genetically Modified Crops aren't necessarily trying to slowly kill you.... your health is irrelevant to them.  They are just focused on PROFIT!   
So you might be okay to continue buying conventionally grown pineapple for the next few months maybe.... but be careful because soon most of the pineapples that are not specifically labeled "Organic" will most likely be Genetically Modified spiky toxic fruit.  And last thing.... don't think that you will be alerted when this starts happening.  Unlike a lot of countries across the pond, U.S. companies DO NOT have to label their food as Genetically Modified.  So you will have no idea when this change is made.  Comforting isn't it?


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Natural Flavors or Chemical Warfare?

I pulled this info from "Food Babe"'s blog!  She does some awesome research on "food" and our food industry.  

About a year ago, 60 minutes did a show on the company Givaudan.  They are the world leaders in flavoring our food.  If you've ever seen the words "Artificially Flavored" or "Natural Flavors" in a list of ingredients, chances are they are the ones who supplied it.  And if you HAVEN'T seen those words in an ingredients list then thats crazy... because it is virtually in EVERYTHING on your grocery store shelves.  

But what is in "Natural Flavors?"  

This video is 14 minutes long but it is a rare look inside of the company.  It is very eye opening!

"The natural and artificial chemicals that flavor manufactures engineer are contributing to what David Kessler (former head of the FDA) calls a “food carnival” in your mouth. The inability to stop eating because the flavors they have synthesized trick your mind into wanting more and more. They don’t want you to have the full essence of the strawberry – they want you to only experience the best 1 millionth part of the taste – so you get “addicted” and keep having to go back for more and more, searching continuously for gratification – eating more of that product which in turns fills Big Food Companies pockets. The Big Food Companies are “hijacking” your taste buds one by one."

Most of us know artificial flavors derived from petroleum aren’t good for us, but the with the words “natural flavor” food chemists and companies can put whatever they want in your food that is “generally regarded as safe” including excitotoxins. Natural flavor can legally contain natural occurring “glutamate” bi-products like MSG (remember this post?) – which are known excitotoxins. These excitotoxins are some of the chemicals that cause your taste buds to experience irresistibility when it comes to food. Ever wonder why you can’t just eat one chip? Or one cookie? Or why you remember a taste of a product so distinctly and crave uncontrollably? Excitotoxins can be to blame. Excitotoxins overexcite your cells literally until they die or are damaged causing “injury” and “incapacitating” you with disease. When consumed over time, excitotoxins can cause nerve disorders resulting a myriad of diseases from stroke to Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s. And lots of other side effects too – like obesity, migraines, fatigue and depression."

So what should you do?  
Try to stay clear of anything with artificial or "natural" flavoring!  It won't be a big deal if you are staying away from processed foods.  If those "Strawberry" pop tarts are looking tasty... try a real live strawberry instead!  I know, it sounds crazy!  The more you eat real, whole foods, the more your taste buds will grow accustomed to them.  They will become very satisfying and delicious!  After a while, an apple will start to be just as satisfying as chocolate ice cream!  Ok, that last part was a lie.  I don't think anything will ever be as satisfying as Haagen Dazs Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream with cold milk poured over it so it crystalizes and sprinkles all over the top to give it a nice crunch........ Oh sorry.... What were we talking about?  Oh yea, healthy stuff :-)  Seriously, stay away from flavoring!  Mother Nature produces the best flavors out there anyway!  Stick with those.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A food pyramid based on your HEALTH, imagine that?!

How and what SHOULD you eat?

1.  First make sure that your food isn't toxic: genetically modified, processed, grown with poisonous pesticides and insecticides.
In other words, make sure your food is actually FOOD!  Grow it yourself, buy it locally from an organic farmer or organic meat producer.  
Ok, good job.  Now you've got yourself a fridge and pantry full of Food that is in its natural state... the way your body is designed to digest it.  The way God made it.... and I am pretty sure he knew what he was doing!  But just because that beef is from a local grass fed cow doesn't mean that you can scarf a pound of it down and pat yourself on the back.  Just because that avacado is grown locally from an organic farm doesn't mean you can make a giant bowl of guacamole for your lunch and expect to be healthy.  

2.  Now that you have real, non toxic food, you

have to pay attention to the food pyramid. But I am not talking about the food pyramid that the government has put out.

(this is what I look like when I think about the government's food pyramid... except I'm a girl and I would never wear that shirt)
Ya know, the heavily influenced government that caters to all the giant corporation's interests, instead of your health.  Lets go absolutely insane and pretend like "health" is the number one priority when a food pyramid is created!  Crazy Right?!  Ok, well if health was the priority, then the food pyramid would look something like this:
This is the best food pyramid I could find and it is pretty dang accurate.  There are variations of it out there and some might argue small changes with it.  But overall, this is it folks!  This is what our bodies are designed to thrive on.  

Notice that half of your veggies (and fruits I will add) should be Raw.  This means that they should be eaten in their natural state and cannot be heated over 108 degrees Fahrenheit.  Once they have been heated to that point, their nutrition is greatly decreased.  So they're not as healthy.... and if you think about it, you kinda just wasted half of the money you spent on the food.  Now you have to buy double the amount to get the same nutrition you could have gotten had you just eaten it raw.  In many cases, you lose 50% or more of the nutrition once it's cooked.  If you are going to cook the veggies or fruit, opt for steaming or grilling instead of boiling.  When you boil your food, most of the nutrients are lost to the water.... so unless you plan on drinking the water that you boiled that broccoli in, just stick with steaming.

You might be wondering how you'll get protein and calcium if you are rarely eating meat and dairy.  Well it may suprise you that vegetables contain TONS of protein and calcium without all the unhealthy counterparts of animal products.   

Throw some 3.  Good old fashioned excercising and stress management in there and you've got yourself a recipe for freakin awesome health!
